How is EMDR Done Virtually?

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is an effective treatment type for trauma and other distressing emotions. It has been used in office settings for many years. With advances in technology and online platforms, EMDR has evolved to include virtual environments. Many parts of EMDR are the same as they would be in the office. The difference with virtual EMDR is that the client and therapist connect using a secure video platform for the appointment. The client can login from their smartphone or computer from their home or other safe and confidential space within their state. Clients enjoy virtual treatment because it saves time (no going back and forth to an office), they can dress comfortably (think therapy in your comfy clothes), and for many, it takes place where they feel safest (home).


When EMDR was introduced, it used eye movements back and forth following the therapist’s finger from left to right to help incorporate the body’s own system for processing trauma. Since that time there are other methods that are found to be equally effective. The most important part of EMDR is that the movement includes both sides of the body, so it uses both sides of the brain. The right side, where emotions are stored and the left side where language and logic are processed. Here are a few of my favorite methods for doing EMDR virtually.


The Butterfly Hug

My personal favorite way of doing virtual EMDR is the Butterfly Hug. In this method, the client interlocks their thumbs and crosses their arms over their chest. Finger taps are alternated below the shoulders on each arm. This is a very relaxing and calming way to do EMDR. The client can be in a comfortable position and self-administer under the guidance and direction of the therapist. My favorite part of the butterfly taps it they can be done with eyes open or closed. Many clients prefer closed eyes to help visualize and hold their attention. I find it really relaxing and soothing. It is also very empowering for a client to physically be a part of their care.


Tapping on the Knees

Another common method is tapping on the knees. It incorporates both sides of the body, alternating tapping on one knee and then the other. With the increase of online platforms self-tapping is often used. The client sits comfortably in their own home and knee taps are used to process information under the direction of the therapist.

This is effective virtually because the client can set their own speed, and intensity, and adjust their environment for comfort as needed. The therapist is there virtually to help direct the client and guide them through the process.

Ball Method

Another method of virtual EMDR is tracking eye movements using a ball back and forth horizontally on the screen. This incorporates the traditional EMDR eye movements. This approach is good for clients who are sensitive to touch and prefer the more traditional method. Speed, intensity, and ball color can easily be customized to the client’s preference.


What EMDR Method is the Best?

Well, that is debatable! The best EMDR method is the one that is most comfortable for you and helps you get the most out of your session. It really is based on your personal preference. Some clients try one way, and it seems to be a good fit, with other clients we spend time fine-tuning our approach to help meet their unique needs.

Is Virtual EMDR Treatment Effective?

Many clients find virtual EMDR to be just as effective as EMDR in the office. Two of the biggest success factors with virtual EMDR are: The client is in a safe place and has a quiet confidential place for their session and the client can be present in the moment and communicate with the therapist during the video visit.

What is the Next Step?

The next step is to book an appointment for an initial assessment. In this appointment, we will work together to go over what you are experiencing and what your goals are with EMDR. We will discuss how EMDR can help and provide you with a basic overview of the process.

Still Unsure? Use the link below to schedule a free brief consult. During the consult, we briefly discuss goals and if we are a good fit to work together.


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